Berries like raspberries and strawberries will help to achieve a glow this party season; says an expert.

''Berries: Perfect for a glowing skin''

Exposure to pollution, tobacco, and toxins, consumed in excess at this time of year, leaves us vulnerable to free radical attack. Berries are the powerhouse for cell protection and the perfect snack for skin health.

They contain manganese, which has the ability to convert toxins within the skin cells into oxygen; reducing skin damage.

You can even prepare a face mask with the fruit ingredient. A ready to glow mask will have a hydrating effect on the skin and also brighten the face. Just follow these three steps:

Mask four strawberries, half an avocado, a little bit of lemon juice in a bowl and make a smooth paste.

- Apply on face with a mask brush working into the skin. 

-Avoid the eye area.